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Our Payment Options

Choosing the right Custom Basins is hard enough... having to pay for it, in the current economy can be even harder! 


We’re pleased to now offer a range of financing options which will help you get your hands on your Self-contained sink from Custom Basins quickly and always interest-free! 



For any new clients interested in Custom Pay, a 30% deposit will still be needed, but instead of receiving the unit or system as soon as it is ready, a minimum of 2 monthly payments will need to be made before their order is sent out.


For new and existing clients with a plan, a £10 admin fee will be charged every time a payment is missed (GoCardless will retry 3 times); if the payment isn't collected by the 3rd try, the agreement will be terminated and the full balance becomes payable.


We launched Custom Pay to help more people get their hands on a unit or system quicker and because we understand the economy isn't an easy one, not to chase repeatedly to receive the payments we are meant to receive to run our business.


If you have any questions regarding an existing Custom Pay plan which you have, or are looking to use Custom Pay when you place a new order, please contact us

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